Workshops and Seminars
Some of the most influential learning experiences I have had over the last 15 years are from attending workshops and seminars from other professionals in the field. Participating in smaller groups and promoting interactive participation is a valuable tool.

High Performance Camp 2014 Kingston, ON

High Performance Camp 2014 Kingston, ON
I'm a "student focused educator". The concept of not only knowing how to execute an exercise but also understanding the "why" is a top proirity when I deliver information. Education is knowledge.
I'm very flexible and will develope a session accompishing your goals for delivery. 30 minute session, 60 minute, half day or full day. Contact me for pricing details.
Workshop Topics
There are many options for a workshop or seminar. Some idea's that are often popular include the following:
Understanding movement - the basics behind the joint by joint approach
Warm ups /cool down /recovery - Could be the key to optimizing your training
The Turkish Get-Up - The GOLD standard in mobility, stability, strength and skill
The weak link rules the chain - identifying your deficiency will expose your true training potential
Incorporating corrective exercises into your training sessions
Designing training programs - finding the balance between push, pull and loaded carries
Core training - The secret about the four quadrants
Off season training
Squat fundamentals
Deadlift fundamentals
Single leg training
Self Defense Workshops
For information on self defense workshops click here